June 16, 2007

OUTSIDE SOURCE Book Review: "The Life and Labours of Asahel Nettleton," by Bennet Tyler and Andrew Bonar

SOURCE of the Review: The Thirsty Theologian blog
BOOK Reviewed:
"The Life and Labours of Asahel Nettleton," by Bennet Tyler and Andrew Bonar
EXCERPT of the Review: "There is something relaxing and refreshing about reading histories such as these—stories, but true stories of the great men of or past, and the way in which God worked his will in and through them. While these stories are filled with rich theology of the nature and work of God, in this form, more illustrated than declared, it does not lay heavily on a weary brain.... Nettleton was apparently not receiving a very seeker-sensitive message. In an age in which the most popular “preachers” in the largest “churches” assiduously avoid any speech that might cause sinners to feel “condemned” or experience “painful sensations,” there is much we can learn from Nettleton’s testimony; for it was that that condemnation and pain that drove him to the conviction that there was something in himself that he needed to be saved from, and nothing in himself that could accomplish that salvation.
To Read The Complete Review, click HERE.
To Buy The Book, click HERE.

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