Banner of Truth's Complete Publications List
Newly Revised - Summer 2007
This eight (8) page document lets you easily see exactly what is currently available from the U.S. Office of The Banner of Truth. It includes cover images and brief descriptions of all six of Banner's new releases for this Summer 2007, and for all eight of the titles just released this Spring 2007. Most titles are included in the alphabetical listing, by title. But separate groupings make it much easier to locate the Puritan Paperbacks and "Let's Study" series, Banner's Commentaries, multi-volume sets and growing number of Spanish publications.
Use it as a "wish list" to hang on your refrigerator for others to review for great gift ideas.
Use it as a "library log" to keep track of the Banner books you already own, and the others you still need. :-)
Or use it as an "order form" to receive your next shipment from the Banner.
Simply send an email to steve@banneroftruth.org and we will reply with the PDF document attached, without delay. For a hard copy, send your name and address; we'll put one in the mail.
ADDENDUM: Hopefully you can also now click HERE (or on the image itself) to download the list directly! Oh, isn't technology grand?!
why not make a link to the PDF available on your blog?
Yeah, well, at the risk of being open and vulnerable and transparent here, fully displaying my technological ignorance ... how do you do that?
With Blogger.com, there's no easy way to upload non-picture files.
Here's one way:
1.Visit http://pages.google.com and sign in using your Gmail account
(If you don't have a Gmail account, there's a link on the page to register for one.)
2. Once you're logged on, you should see an "Upload" link on the lower right of the page. Click that and upload file.
3.Copy the URL adress of the catalogue-pdf.
4. Insert hyperlink into your Trophies of His Grace.
5. Enjoy!
Hope this helps.
Thanks, JC. It's late, at the moment, but I will try this in a day or so. I appreciate your help.
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