July 24, 2007

Trying Something New: "Fabulous Fridays" here at the blog

Many of you have heard me speak of our "secret shelves" here at Banner in the U.S. - Obviously not so secret, these shelves are stocked with the ever-so-slightly damaged books that we offer at 50% discount to anyone who stops in. But wouldn't it be nice if we could make them available to others? Hmmmmm ... OK, so here's what we're going to try - Each Friday, I'll try to post a partial list of the books on those shelves, yours to buy at 50% off. There are some ground rules:
(1) First-come/first-served; with limited quantities, we might run out.
(2) The books are "slightly damaged;" if the damage is worse than "slight," I won't offer it.
(3) Shipping will be on you (sorry, but it is 50% off!).
(4) To order, you'll need to call or fax us your information; you won't find this on the normal Web site.
So let's give it a try. Spread the word - the "scratch-and-dent" sale, "Fabulous Fridays," here on the blog. Hope you stop back. Steve


jc said...

Nice idea, Steve!
Re (2):
What happens to the books whose damage is more than slight?

Josh Espinosa said...

Mr. Burlew,

What an excellent idea. I have had the opportunity to partake of some of these deals while passing through from SC to MA to visit my in-laws. I do much business with CVBBS and was shocked to know how close y'all are to one another. I wonder if Carlisle knows of the wealth which is found on the back streets of their town center.

I look forward to receiving these postings.

Again, what is a "damage is more than slight"? Some may find these even more of a treasure.


Steve Burlew said...

Well, there really aren't many that fall into the "VERY damaged" category. There might be a book that's missing a section of pages in the middle, or the pages are upside down to the cover, etc., but we'd most likely return something like that to the binder for a credit. The damage we see would be a nicked corner or creased paperback cover, etc. In my mind, it's what many books look like anyway after a person handles it for a bit - but just not what a publisher like Banner can sell as new. I can certainly include in my list any that would be more damaged; I'll just spell out the details so you know. And hopefully all of this won't get too unwieldy for us to manage. Stay tuned!