October 8, 2007

OUTSIDE SOURCE Book Review: "The Diary & Journal of David Brainerd"

BOOK REVIEWED: "The Diary and Journal of David Brainerd"
Dr. Phil Ryken, Senior Pastor, Tenth Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, PA
REVIEW: "Our friends at Banner of Truth have published an attractive new edition of a genuine classic: The Diary & Journal of David Brainerd. The book will be of special interest to anyone with a vested interested in missions and evangelism. In other words, it ought to be of interest to every serious Christian. A man of intense devotion to Jesus Christ, with a passion for reaching Native Americans (Indians, he called them) with the gospel, Brainerd died when he was still in his twenties. In coming weeks I hope to share a few excerpts from his writings, which have far outlived his all-too-brief (as it seems to us) ministry."
To read this review on its original site, click HERE.
To see future comments on this book, as Dr. Ryken mentions, access the Reformation21 blog by clicking HERE.
For more information on this book, or to purchase it, click HERE.

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