November 19, 2007


Be content, ye are his wheat growing in our Lord's field. And if wheat, ye must go under our Lord's threshing instrument, in his barn-floor, and through his sieve, and through his mill to be bruised, as the Prince of your salvation, Jesus was (Isa. 53:9), that ye may be found good bread in your Lord's house.

But it is neither shame nor pride for a drowning man to swim to a rock, nor for a ship-broken soul to run himself ashore upon Christ. Suppose once I be guilty, need force I cannot, I do not, go by Christ.

Taken from the recently released Banner of Truth, "The Loveliness of Christ: Extracts from the Letters of Samuel Rutherford", published in a wonderful antique-looking soft cover binding.
To purchase this book, at 25% discount, CLICK HERE.

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