December 26, 2006

Christmas 2006

"He who comes from above is above all" (John 3:31).
I hope you had a wonderful celebration of His "coming from above"! As for us Burlews, we worshipped with our church family Christmas Eve, then enjoyed a fun (although rather late) family time at home. Christmas morning, at 8:30 a.m., I decided it was time for all to be up so sent our golden retriever upstairs to wake up her "sisters." My wife's mom arrived from next door and we were ready to begin. Our youngest, the "Squeekers" with me in the picture, read Luke 2 and I lead our family in prayer. Then, our tradition is for the person giving the gifts to distribute all the ones he/she is giving, beginning with the youngest. I like how it emphasizes the giving aspect, as well as the receiving. What fun! But what an opportunity to remember the greatest gift of all. Oh, how blessed a people we are!
Again, Merry Christmas!

December 23, 2006

Banner of Truth U.S. Christmas Hours

On behalf of Rob, Beth, Debbie, Becky, Jake, Austin and Henri (plus Paul, Jon & Bob who helped in December) ...

Banner of Truth, North America
in Carlisle, PA, USA
Our U.S. office & distribution center is now closed until 8:15 a.m., January 2, 2007, but this blog will no doubt be open through the coming week. So keep stopping by. I'd love to have some of you share with the rest of us what your "Banner picks" would be and why. Also, I'll be posting details soon after Christmas of what's to come at the 2007 Banner of Truth U.S. Ministers' Conference - it'll include a little surprise!

December 20, 2006

"Steve's Picks" - Personal Declension & Revival of Religion in the Soul

I was introduced to this book a number of years ago, and I am convinced that the person who told me about it had no idea just how much I needed it. Please don't get hung up by the title - that may lack some of today's cleverness or marketing exuberance, but it's always what's inside that counts. And inside, you'll find the words of a man who knows exactly what the hymn writer meant in, "Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing" when he wrote, "Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it. Prone to leave the God I love." For you see, "personal declension" is that wandering, that backsliding, that decay of the spiritual life and grace in the believer, that spiritual disease that many fall into. In the characteristic Octavius Winslow style, he first helps us see what this "personal declension" is and how it comes about, but then directs us back to where we ought always to remain. Indeed, I see this book on our packing room shelf and I can't help but go, "Ohhhhhhhhhh yeahhhhhhhhh." Here, see how the book begins for yourself, by reading the part that we're often tempted to skip, but never should, the preface:
"That the subject on which this humble volume treats is vastly solemn, and deeply searching, every true believer in Jesus must acknowledge. The existing necessity for such a work has long impressed itself upon the Author's mind. While other and abler writers are employing their pens, either in defending the outposts of Christianity, or in arousing a slumbering church to an increased intensity of personal and combined action in the great work of Christian benevolence, he has felt that if he might but be instrumental, in ever so humble a way, of occasionally withdrawing the eye of the believer from the dazzling and almost bewildering movements around him, and fixing it upon the state of his own personal religion, he would be rendering the Christian church a service, not the less needed and important in her present elevated and excited position.

"It must be admitted, that the character and the tendencies of the age are not favourable to deep and mature reflection upon the hidden, spiritual life of the soul. Whirled along as the church of God is, in her brilliant path of benevolent enterprise, - deeply engaged in concerting and in carrying out new and far-reaching plans of aggression upon the dominion of sin, - and compelled in one hand to hold the spiritual sword in defence of the faith which, with the other, she is up-building, - but few energies are left, and but little time is afforded, for close, faithful, and frequent dealing with the personal and spiritual state of grace in the soul; which, in consequence of thus being overlooked and uncultivated, may fall into a state of the deepest and most painful declension. 'They made me keeper of the vineyards, but mine own vineyard have I not kept.' (Sol. Song i. 6).

"It is, then, the humble design of the writer in the present work, for a while to withdraw the mind from the consideration of the mere externals of Christianity, and to aid the believer in answering the solemn and searching inquiry, - 'What is the present spiritual state of my soul before God?' In the following pages he is exhorted to forget the Christian profession he sustains, the party badge he wears, and the distinctive name by which he is known among men, - to turn aside for a brief hour from all religious duties, engagements, and excitement, and to look this question fully and fairly in the face.

"With human wisdom and eloquence the Author has not seen fit to load and adorn his work: the subject presented itself to his mind in too solemn and awful an aspect for this. The ground he traversed he felt to be so holy, that he had need to put off the shoes from his feet, and to lay aside everything that was not in strict harmony with the spiritual character of his theme. that the traces of human imperfection may be found on every page, no one can be more conscious than the Author, - no one more deeply humbled. Indeed, so affecting to his own mind has been the conviction of the feeble manner in which the subject is treated, that but for a deep sense of its vast importance, and the demand that exists for its discussion in almost any shape, he would more than once have withdrawn his book from the press. May the Spirit of God accompany its perusal with power and unction, and to Him, as unto the Father and the Son, shall be ascribed the glory!

Leamington Spa,
Sept., 1841

December 18, 2006

Hellooooooooo, Omaha!

This is great - so nice to be included in the receiving of the books that we so often ship. You see, some time ago, I got word from a guy named Travis in Nebraska saying how he and some other guys wanted to do something special for a pastor at their church. So these guys started pooling their pennies (ok, some dollars, too). For about a week or so, I'd get updates from Travis on how they were coming. Sure enough, with excitement that was fun for me to be a part of, Travis wrote that they had reached the goal. I personally pulled those books from our packing room, Jake boxed them up and we sent them on their way, with a prayer, via UPS. Well, this past Friday night, Pastor Erik and his family, pictured here, got to see an indication of just how much they are loved. He had hoped to accumulate this set over the next twenty years. You are a blessed man, Erik, in so many ways! Isn't this a great picture? Merry Christmas to all the guys at Omaha Bible Church, from all of us here at Banner of Truth!

December 15, 2006


It was close to one year ago, in early 2006. I was preparing for an upcoming job interview for Manager of North America Operations with an organization from Scotland that I had known and loved for years, The Banner of Truth. I was in my pastor's study that Wednesday night, seeing what "Banner books" he had on his shelves, when I pulled one out for a closer look. "Ohhhhhhhhh," Pastor Mark exclaimed with noticeable compassion in his voice. "THAT has got to be the most devotional book I have ever read!" Thus was my first introduction to, "Letters of Samuel Rutherford."
Who was Samuel Rutherford? A professor, a minister, an author. He lived 1600-1661 and was a man of God who wrote letters, hundreds of them, filled with godly advice, biblical encouragement, timeless wisdom in every way. Get this ... C.H. Spurgeon called Rutherford's letters "the nearest thing to inspiration which can be found in all the writings of mere men." Just this morning, I received an email from a pastor asking that I pray for him. He wrote, "I do believe, as I read Rutherford's letters (I think every minister ought to have a copy!) that our Lord is trying to teach me how to look to Christ as Rutherford did - his chief love and best friend for whom he would suffer anything. Please pray for me to grow into that frame of heart and mind."
Here, let me share a few of these letters with you; perhaps you'll see why this really is a book that, not only every minister, but every saint of God really ought to become familiar with...
"Mistress , -- My love in Christ remembered to you. I was indeed sorrowful at my departure from you, especially since ye were in such heaviness after your daughter's death. Yet I do persuade myself, ye know that the weightiest end of the cross of Christ that is laid upon you lieth upon your strong Saviour; for Isaiah saith, "In all your afflictions He is afflicted" (Isa. lxiii. 9). O blessed Second who suffereth with you! and glad may your soul be even to walk in the fiery furnace with one like unto the Son of Man, who is also the Son of God. Courage! up your heart! When ye do tire, He will bear both you and your burden (Ps. lv. 22). Yet a little while and ye shall see the salvation of God. Remember of what age your daughter was, and that just so long was your lease of her. If she was eighteen, nineteen, or twenty years old, I know not; but sure I am, seeing her term was come, and your lease run out, ye can no more justly quarrel your great Superior for taking His own at His just term day, than a poor farmer can complain that his master taketh a portion of his own land to himself when his lease is expired. Good mistress, if ye would not be content that Christ would hold from you the heavenly inheritance which is made yours by His death, shall not that same Christ think hardly of you if ye refuse to give Him your daughter willingly, who is a part of His inheritance and conquest? I pray the Lord to give you all your own, and to grace you with patience to give God His also. He is an ill debtor who payeth that which he hath borrowed with a grudge. Indeed, that long loan of such a good daughter, an heir of grace, a member of Christ (as I believe), deserveth more thanks at your Creditor's hands, than that ye should gloom and murmur when He craveth but His own. I believe you would judge them to be but thankless neighbours who would pay you a sum of money after this manner. But what? Do you think her lost, when she is but sleeping in the bosom of the Almighty? Think her not absent who is in such a friend's house. Is she lost to you who is found to Christ? If she were with a dear friend, although you should never see her again, your care for her would be but small. Oh, now, is she not with a dear Friend? and gone higher, upon a certain hope that ye shall, in the Resurrection, see her again, when (be ye sure) she shall neither be hectic nor consumed in body? You would be sorry either to be, or to be esteemed, an atheist; and yet, not I, but the Apostle, thinketh those to be hopeless atheists who mourn excessively for the dead (Thess. iv. 13). But this is not a challenge on my part. I do speak this only fearing your weakness; for your daughter was a part of yourself, and, therefore, nature in you, being as it were cut and halved, will indeed be grieved. But ye have to rejoice, that when a part of you is on earth, a great part of you is glorified in heaven. Follow her, but envy her not; for indeed it is self-love in us that maketh us mourn for them that die in the Lord. Why? Because for them we cannot mourn, since they are never happy till they be dead; therefore we mourn for our own private respect. Take heed, then, that in showing your affection in mourning for your daughter, ye be not, out of self-affection, mourning for yourself. Consider what the Lord is doing in it. Your daughter is plucked out of the fire, and she resteth from her labours; and your Lord, in that, is trying you, and casting you in the fire. Go through all fires to your rest; and now remember that the eye of God is upon the bush burning and not consumed; and He is gladly content that such a weak woman as you should send Satan away, frustrate of his design. Now honour God, and shame the strong roaring lion, when ye seem weakest. Should such an one as ye faint in the day of adversity? Call to mind the days of old. The Lord yet liveth. Trust in Him, although He should slay you. Faith is exceeding charitable, and believeth no evil of God. Now is the Lord laying, in the one scale of the balance, your making conscience of submission to His gracious will, and in the other, your affection and love to your daughter. Which of the two will ye then choose to satisfy? Be wise, then; and as I trust ye love Christ better than a sinful woman, pass by your daughter, and kiss the Lord's rod. Men do lop the branches off their trees round about, to the end they may grow up high and tall. The Lord hath this way lopped your branch inn taking from you many children, to the end you should grow upward, like one of the Lord's cedars, setting your heart above, where Christ is, at the right hand of the Father. What is next, but that your Lord cut down the stock after He hath cut the branches? Prepare yourself; you are nearer your daughter this day than you were yesterday. While ye prodigally spend time in mourning for her, ye are speedily posting after her. Run your race with patience. Let God have His own; and ask of Him, instead of your daughter which He hath taken from you, the daughter of faith, which is patience; and in patience possess your soul. Lift up your head: ye do not know how near your redemption doth draw, Thus recommending you to the Lord, who is able to establish you, I rest, your loving and affectionate friend in the Lord Jesus,
Samuel Rutherford
Anwoth, April 23, 1628"

"Dear and loving friend, -- I cannot but, upon the opportunity of a bearer, exhort you to resign the love of your youth to Christ; and in this day, while your sun is high and your youth serveth you, to seek the Lord and His face. For there is nothing out of heaven so necessary for you as Christ. And ye cannot be ignorant but your day will end, and the night of death shall call you from the pleasures of this life: and a doom given out in death standeth for ever -- as long as God liveth! Youth, ordinarily, is a post and ready servant for Satan, to run errands; for it is a nest for lust, cursing, drunkenness, blaspheming of God, lying, pride, and vanity. Oh, that there were such an heart in you as to fear the Lord, and to dedicate your soul and body to His service! When the time cometh that your eye-strings shall break, and your face wax pale, and legs and arms tremble, and your breath shall grow cold, and your poor soul look out at yor prison house of clay, to be set at liberty; then a good conscience, and your Lord's favour, shall be worth all the world's glory. Seek it as your garland and crown.
Grace be with you.
Yours, in His sweet Lord Jesus,
Samuel Rutherford
Aberdeen, March 14, 1637"

December 13, 2006

"Steve's Picks" - THE PASTOR IN PRAYER

OK, we're not going in any order here, just books that make me go, "ohhhhhhh, yeahhhhhh," whenever I see them. One such title is, "The Pastor in Prayer." I've often said that this is a gem waiting to be found, especially given the popularity of the collection of Puritan prayers titled, "The Valley of Vision." You see, "The Pastor in Prayer" is also a collection prayers, one pastor's prayers, offered to the Lord as he would lead his congregation before the throne each Lord's Day morning. The pastor was C.H. Spurgeon. Somehow, I think this book is going to "appear" in the mailboxes of the pastors at my church (Shhhhhhh! There is an advantage to having the guy from Banner of Truth in your congregation!).
Eavesdrop with me, will you, on the Sunday morning of May 5, 1878, even now as we listen to this pastor in prayer.
More to come ...
"O Lord, our song reminds us of what we were, and, oh, we would begin our praise by the acknowledgment of our natural condition; we would remember the miry clay and the rock whence we were hewn, for we were 'by nature children of wrath even as others'.

"Well do we remember when we felt this, and when the bitterness and gall were in our mouths, of which we had to drink both day and night. How heavy was the load of sin! All our thoughts were engrossed with that sense of pressure and of dread. We looked on the right hand and there was none, and on the left and we found no helper; but then Thou didst Thyself deliver us by leading us to cast a faith-look to the divine, only-begotten, and crucified Son. At this moment vividly is it upon our recollection how Thou didst bring us up out of the 'horrible pit': we remember now the new song which Thou didst put into our mouths as we found our feet fast on the rock and our goings established. It is long since then with some of us, but all the way has been strewn with mercies, and we desire this morning to record, 'Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits.'

"We thank Thee now, in the retrospect, for the trials which we have endured. Some of us have been brought very low with physical pain and mental weariness, and others have been sore smitten with bereavement, losses and crosses, and persecutions, but there is not one out of all our trials which we could have afforded to have been without. No, Lord, all has been ordered well, there was a need-be for every twig of the rod, and we desire now to thank Thee that we can see in looking back, how all things have even now worked together for good, though we know we cannot see the end as yet.

"O Thou good God, Thou blessed God, like David we would fain sit down before Thee in silence and wait awhile, for our words when we do use them are totally inadequate to the expression of what we feel, much more of what we ought to feel concerning Thy goodness and Thy loving-kindness; yet we will bless Thy name with such language as we have. Jehovah, our God, let others worship whom they will and seek after what object of love they please, this God is our God for ever and ever, He shall be our guide even unto death. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the Triune God of Israel, we express most solemnly the reverence we feel for Thee; and render to Thee our humble adoration as we acknowledge Thee to be the One and only God, by whom the heavens and the earth were made, by whom all things consist, the Redeemer of Thy people, their Father and their Friend, for ever and ever! All our hearts worship Thee, O Thou glorious Lord!

"And truly since we have received so many mercies at Thy hand, we do feel that Thou wilt never forsake us, nor in any darkness which may be in our path in the future, wilt Thou desert Thine own. Thou hast done too much for us to desert us now. We have cost Thee so much - Oh, wondrous price that Thou hast paid for us - and Thou hast spent so much of wise thought, and gracious act upon us, that we are persuaded Thou wilt go through with the work which Thy wisdom has undertaken. But give us faith to believe this: when the stormy times come, let us not doubt, but what our Helmsman will bring us to the desired haven. Though winds and waves assault our keel, may we still find perfect peace and rest in the thought that He who is in the hinder part of the ship is Master of winds and waves. Comfort Thy children this morning, great Father, if any of them are in doubt just now; and bring them all into an assured confidence and perfect restfulness in the Lord their God.

"Next, we would humbly entreat of Thee that we may each one be permitted to do some great service for Thee before we go hence: we do not mean great in the wisdom of our fellows, but let it be all that we can do. If we cannot build a house for Thee, yet have we set our hearts upon doing something; and if it be Thy will, direct our minds to what it shall be, lest our minds should not be Thy mind: but let not one of us be barren or unfruitful. If we have indeed been redeemed by the blood of Christ, may we reckon that we must live to Him; may the love of Christ constrain us, and may something come of our lives that shall be a blessing to the sons of men, ere we go hence.

"And our Father, while we offer this prayer, we will also pray with a deep gratitude for all Thy mercies: may they take possession of all our hearts that, as when David sat in his house of cedar he 'magnified the Lord', so may we also whenever things go smoothly with us. Lord, may the gratitude we feel prompt us to say again, 'What shall I render to the Lord for all His benefits towards me?' May every child of Thine here to be every day serving Thee; and serving Thee so that heaven's work may begin below, and something of heaven's pleasure may be enjoyed even now. But Lord, while we work for Thee, always keep us sitting at the feet of Jesus. Let our faith never wander away from the simplicity of its confidence in Him. Let our motive never be anything but His glory; may our hearts be taken up with His love, and our thoughts perpetually engaged about His person. Let us choose the good part which shall not be taken away - that if we serve with Martha we may also sit with Mary.

"Let this church, Lord, receive a fresh anointing of the Holy Ghost, that all its members may be spending themselves for the Master. Wilt Thou quicken, we pray Thee, every agency; in all our Sabbath schools, may there be no lack of teachers, may our young friends find it a delight to be teaching the little ones; may there be even a superabundance of workers in this department. Let not anything flag to which the church has set her hand. Prosper us in the education of our young men for the ministry! bless us, we pray Thee, with our dear orphan boys: may they, all of them, be saved in the Lord with an everlasting salvation. Remember our colporteurs scattered about this country, and prosper them in their going from house to house with the Word of God, and may they be great soul-winners, all of them, that the Lord's name may be glorified.

"And all the thousand and one things which constitute the activities of the churches at large, do Thou bless and prosper them so far as they are according to Thy mind; and may it please Thee to give to the churches prayer in proportion to activity, and faith in proportion to zeal. O Lord! visit Thy church at this time, which is a time of peril, and in Thy mercy revive among us the love of the pure gospel of Jesus Christ. Rebuke, we pray Thee, those who, with their philosophy and vain deceit, would mar and spoil the gospel of Jesus Christ. Grant that in all deliberations of any part of Thy church, which concern this great and grievous and crying evil, there may be decision and wisdom and help given, that all may be done and ordered to Thy glory.

"Bless our nation, Lord, we pray Thee, and let the spirit of Christianity permeate it, enter into the high places, and flow down even to its darkest dens. And, we beseech Thee, let us have peace; may nothing happen to break it, may it be established on a firm and judicious footing, and for many a year may no sound of trumpet, or noise of cannon be heard throughout the whole earth. Let the people praise Thee, O God, and learn war no more! Let all the nations be blessed! May the gospel of Christ Jesus penetrate into the remotest regions, and where it is known may the power of it be felt far more.

"Bless our brethren across the sea of another land, but who with the same tongue worship our Lord in spirit and in truth, and our brethren on the southern side of the globe, and all the scattered saints in every nation; visit them with the bedewing of the Holy Ghost, and make the gardens of the Lord amidst the desert to be green, and blossom as the rose. Now help us this morning, give to every one a sense of pardoned sin: forgive us, O Father, for Christ's sake! Give to each one of us also sanctifying power, that we may be cleansed from the influence of guilt. Give power in the delivery of the gospel. May the truth sink into the soul, and may this be a good and happy, devout and beneficial occasion to all of us here gathered. We ask it for Jesus' sake. Amen."

"The Pastor in Prayer: A Collection of the Sunday Morning Prayers of C.H. Spurgeon"
(Edinburgh, The Banner of Truth Trust, 2004), pp. 46-51.

December 12, 2006

Coming Tomorrow: "Steve's Picks"

I'm pulling together a list of "Steve's Picks" that I hope to post tomorrow - books that I just go, "ohhhhhh, yeahhhhhh" whenever their title is mentioned. I'll try to put a little explanation, too, as to why I've chosen them.
In the meantime, give consideration to these words by David Brainerd (taken from "They Were Pilgrims"), "I have ever found it, when I have thought the battle was over and the conquest gained, and so let down my watch, the enemy has risen up and done me the greatest injury." May we all be on our guard, today, for our enemy is real. May we do as Brainerd did, "He might be racked with fever or fatigue, but he would not let a single hour slip through his fingers. He spent long hours on his knees and turned night into day in order to give himself to prayer. "

December 11, 2006

TODAY: Hear "Elizabeth Prentiss" Author Interviewed

The previously recorded interview with Sharon James, author of Banner of Truth's "Elizabeth Prentiss: More Love to Thee" is being broadcast today over the Pilgrim Radio network. If you are not within reach of a broadcast signal, log on to Pilgrim Radio's Web site by clicking here, then choosing "Listen Now" for their live audio. Remaining broadcast times are as follows:
United Kingdom: Tonight at 8:00 and tomorrow (12/12) at 5:00 a.m.
Eastern U.S. time - Today at 3:00 p.m. and tonight at 12:00 midnight
Central U.S. time - Today at 2:00 p.m. and tonight at 11:00 p.m.
Mountain U.S. time - Today at 1:00 p.m. and tonight at 10:00 p.m.
Pacific U.S. time - Today at 12:00 noon and tonight at 9:00 p.m.
By the way, our Saturday trip to the White House was EXCELLENT! We actually toured the mansion with the U.S. Attorney General, Alberto Gonzales, and his family and because Grandma was in a wheelchair, she got to meet and pet the President's dogs on the elevator! I won't say which one she was more excited about seeing! :-)

December 8, 2006


Many people don't know this, but I get to give a lot of books away ... free! Well, free to those who receive the books, but paid for by individuals and families and churches all over the world through their donations to Banner's "Book Fund." A short time ago, I got a note from a guy who served on the missions ship, Doulos, telling me of God's work in his life through Banner books in the ship's library. A week ago, I got a hand-made Christmas "card" from Jeff inside a California State Prison thanking me for the same thing and telling me how he's grown spiritually. And just this week, we boxed up several "Reformed Pastor" and other books for pastors in the Philippines and another shipment is on its way to some soldiers and their chaplains serving in Iraq. Oftentimes, we at Banner get to hear the thanks, but it's the donors who really make it happen. So, if you happen to be one of them ... Thanks!
It'll be a busy weekend for us; our family is headed to DC to visit the White House tomorrow! Oh, nothing like "Banner of Truth Meets the President." Just something I've always wanted to do. Don't forget Monday's broadcast interview of Sharon James (see previous posts).
I hope you're doing well.
Grace & Peace,

December 6, 2006

Thanks, BSF!

Thank you, BSF (Bible Study Fellowship), for including "Elizabeth Prentiss: More Love to Thee" on your recommended reading list for December! Says BSF, the books on this list "are recommended to challenge your thinking and enlarge your understanding of the world and the church."

December 5, 2006

Welcome "Sovereign Grace" Readers

A special welcome to the women participating in a Sovereign Grace online readers' book club - "girltalk." Your selection of "Elizabeth Prentiss: More Love to Thee" as your next read is an excellent choice! I read the book soon after its arrival; I was moved by Elizabeth embracing the sovereignty of God in response to the tragedies in her life. I was also very challenged, as a husband and a dad, by the life of Elizabeth's father as described in the first few chapters of the book (don't let your husbands get by without you encouraging them to at least read that much for themselves!). If you're having any trouble getting the book, please email me directly at and I will see to it that you get the book without delay. Don't miss hearing the upcoming interview with the author, Sharon James, to be broadcast three different times over Pilgrim Radio's web site on Monday, December 11, 5:00 a.m., 3:00 p.m. and 12:00 midnight (all times are EST). Just click here, then select "Listen Now," to hear Pilgrim Radio's live broadcast.
Thanks for choosing "Elizabeth Prentiss." If, in the course of your reading and discussion, you have any questions for Sharon (the author), let me know. I'd be glad to get them answered for you. Enjoy!

December 4, 2006

A BLANK Valley of Vision???

I want to make sure you know about the "Blank Valley of Vision" contest taking place at the Shepherd's Scrapbook blogsite. Click here to check it out. Believe it or not, Tony has taken a table saw to some paperback Valley of Vision books, then reassembled them with journalling paper and a new spiral binding. He's got one ready to ship to the winner of an essay contest; just write 300-400 words on "a time in your life when you read a Puritan work that gave you better understanding of the Christian life and caused permanent life change as a result. Explain the situation, the book and author, the moment of illumination and the permanent fruit of that change.” Wow! All in just 300-400 words?!?! Deadline is Tuesday, Dec. 5, 11:59 p.m. Central U.S. time. Go for it!

December 1, 2006

Author of "Elizabeth Prentiss" Interviewed

What a great way to finish off a week. Bill Feltner, a friend of mine at the Pilgrim Radio Network (western U.S.), just recorded an interview with Sharon James, author of Banner of Truth's book, "Elizabeth Prentiss: More Love to Thee." What an delight to speak with Sharon. You may or may not know, but Elizabeth Prentiss lived in the 1800s and wrote the well-known novel, "Stepping Heavenward," and hymn, "More Love to Thee, O Christ." Through much tragedy, including the death of her 3-year old son, Eddie, and 1-month old daughter, Bessie, Elizabeth embraced God, most specifically the sovereignty of God, knowing that God never makes a mistake! Anyway, Sharon shares some of the great encouragement that she has gleaned from her study of Elizabeth's life. You can hear the interview through Pilgrim Radio's Web site. It will be broadcast Monday, December 11th at three different times: 5:00 a.m., 3:00 p.m., and 12:00 midnight (all times given are USA east coast times). I would seriously encourage you to log in for it; just click on the link and follow the instructions to "listen now." Wishing you a great weekend!