October 31, 2006
35,851 books - 22,681 pounds - from one ship's container to inside the Banner of Truth's U.S. warehouse ... DONE!
October 30, 2006
Another New Book!

Grace & peace,
P.S. My middle daughter (pictured with me) ran and completed her cross-country race at Districts today; I wasn't able to get away to watch. She called me right away to say that she had done well. I have to confess; I love my girls!
October 28, 2006
The Week in Review
Well, the heavy rains and localized flooding postponed my middle daughter's cross-country districts race this morning. Somehow, I'll have to work that into my schedule Monday.
It was a busy week at our Banner of Truth U.S. office with Banner's Trustees in town, a couple from the U.S. and the rest from the U.K. Sadly, Iain Murray wasn't able to be here; I do look forward to meeting him. I enjoyed several good conversations with our Trustee's chairman, Sinclair Ferguson, and very much appreciated the interaction with each of the others. It is good to spend time with the men at the top of an organization and still come away feeling good about things - such was not the case with my last "Corporate America" employer. One would certainly expect a difference with Banner, and I can certainly testify to you that the difference is in fact very much there!
Coming Next Week? The arrival of thousands and thousands of leather Valley of Vision books - the new print run will be here! - and an overseas container off the ship from Scotland should arrive, plus probably one or more brand new titles, newly released! Stay tuned.
It was a busy week at our Banner of Truth U.S. office with Banner's Trustees in town, a couple from the U.S. and the rest from the U.K. Sadly, Iain Murray wasn't able to be here; I do look forward to meeting him. I enjoyed several good conversations with our Trustee's chairman, Sinclair Ferguson, and very much appreciated the interaction with each of the others. It is good to spend time with the men at the top of an organization and still come away feeling good about things - such was not the case with my last "Corporate America" employer. One would certainly expect a difference with Banner, and I can certainly testify to you that the difference is in fact very much there!
Coming Next Week? The arrival of thousands and thousands of leather Valley of Vision books - the new print run will be here! - and an overseas container off the ship from Scotland should arrive, plus probably one or more brand new titles, newly released! Stay tuned.
October 27, 2006
Merry Christmas? II
In my last post (see below), I said that Banner of Truth's upcoming U.S. Christmas mailer includes sections with gift ideas "For Him" and "For Her," etc., to which a man asked, "What sort of books does BoT publish that you can include the "For Him" category?" Actually, that is an interesting question because, as far as I'm concerned, most of Banner's books are appropriate for any "him" or "her" to read. My purpose of this "Gifts for Him" section is really to simply throw out a few suggestions for the person who might be otherwise overwhelmed by all of these books.
What did I include in the "For Him" section and why? The obvious one was Thomas Watson's Puritan Paperback, "The Godly Man's Picture" in which almost the entire book is one chapter titled, "Characteristics of a Godly Man." Beyond that, I chose Gurnall's 3-volume paperback set, "Christian in Complete Armour," because in the few months I've worked at Banner I have had 5 guys come up to me at conferences and tell me how this book/set has changed their lives. One of our accountant's all-time best reads was "But Now I See: The Life of John Newton," so I included that. Certainly M'Cheyne's "Memoirs and Remains," had to be there for any guy who doesn't yet own and have read that classic. My pastor suggested the hardback, "Letters of Samuel Rutherford," as the most devotional book he has ever encountered, to which I tend to agree. I also wanted another biography and two local Christian men have each mentioned the book, "Ernest Reisinger: A Biography" to me. I know Ernie's name isn't recognized far and wide so, quite honestly, I thought I would put this back in the spotlight and perhaps encourage some to read and benefit from it. And the last one I included was "Christian Leaders of the 18th Century," because it's a J.C. Ryle book, for starters, and it relays the lives of several men who are said to have shaken all of England. Why not? I hope that helps.
What did I include in the "For Him" section and why? The obvious one was Thomas Watson's Puritan Paperback, "The Godly Man's Picture" in which almost the entire book is one chapter titled, "Characteristics of a Godly Man." Beyond that, I chose Gurnall's 3-volume paperback set, "Christian in Complete Armour," because in the few months I've worked at Banner I have had 5 guys come up to me at conferences and tell me how this book/set has changed their lives. One of our accountant's all-time best reads was "But Now I See: The Life of John Newton," so I included that. Certainly M'Cheyne's "Memoirs and Remains," had to be there for any guy who doesn't yet own and have read that classic. My pastor suggested the hardback, "Letters of Samuel Rutherford," as the most devotional book he has ever encountered, to which I tend to agree. I also wanted another biography and two local Christian men have each mentioned the book, "Ernest Reisinger: A Biography" to me. I know Ernie's name isn't recognized far and wide so, quite honestly, I thought I would put this back in the spotlight and perhaps encourage some to read and benefit from it. And the last one I included was "Christian Leaders of the 18th Century," because it's a J.C. Ryle book, for starters, and it relays the lives of several men who are said to have shaken all of England. Why not? I hope that helps.
October 26, 2006
Merry Christmas?

Grace & peace,
October 25, 2006
My Girls!
I have to share this personal note - our third-born daughter won her cross-country race last Saturday, and our second-born daughter qualified for the Districts race scheduled for this Saturday in Hershey, PA. Guess where I'll be on the 28th. I love being a dad (that last statement has nothing to do with cross-country, but everything to do with those three incredible blessings that God has given to us)!
October 24, 2006
First Take: "The Hand of God"

After only reading a few pages, I ran downstairs to the staff here at Banner U.S., "Did you know about this book?" I asked. I then read from our tribute to this author. "After he handed the package (the manuscript for this book) across the post-office counter, his wife Margaret, who was with him, suggested he might buy a new notebook to begin his next book. He paused before replying, 'Margaret, I think I've said all I want to say.' That evening he entered his eternal rest." He was 83. Clearly, in the providence of God, this book was not to go undone!
Today, I am about half way through this 207-page paperback. If this tells you anything about what I think, I am buying five copies so that my wife, our three daughters and I can read through its ten chapters in the next ten weeks. I have long thought that the sovereignty of God, the doctrine that some squirm over, is one of the most comforting truths in Scripture. When I was laid off and without a job for seven months ten years ago, I clung to the fact that God is sovereign. When my dad was diagnosed with cancer, when my mom was killed in a car accident, and now as I look toward sending our firstborn baby to college, God's sovereignty is an amazing comfort and strength, that which enables me to rest. In another excellent new Banner book, "Elizabeth Prentiss: More Love to Thee," I saw a similar impact of this truth on her life. And as Leahy wrote, "In this book, my aim is to show that the sovereignty of God, as revealed in Scripture, is a comforting truth."
Two things have especially impressed me so far. First, this book is full of Scripture; you can't help but know that this is God's truth that we're discussing here. Leahy also weaves in some incredible and precious gems from saints who have gone before us: Calvin, Murray, Berkhof, Hodge, Shedd, Spurgeon, Bridges, Ryle, Warfield, Boice, Henry, Rutherford, Edersheim - they're all in there!
Secondly, this book clearly takes the truth of God's sovereignty and applies it in very real and practical ways to the life that I find myself living in today. For example:
- In "Chapter One: The Hand That Creates," I was challenged with my responsibility to care for the world in which I live, the sanctity of life vs. abortion, and even my mental purity in an age of increasing access to pornography.
- In "Chapter Two: The Hand That Governs," Leahy faces the fact of tsunamis and holocausts head on, and addresses the classic unbeliever's statement, "Do you ever read the newspaper or watch the news? Either this God of yours is a cruel, heartless tyrant, or so feeble that he is not able to govern."
- In "Chapter Three: The Hand That Provides, " Leahy brings in the subjects of work, laziness, gambling and the important role of prayer.
- Ahhh, and just wait until you get to "Chapter Four: The Hand That Redeems."
Other chapter headings include the hand that keeps, guides, chastens, blesses, enables, and judges, with an epilogue that's simply titled, "Comfort."
Without a doubt, the Burlew family will begin our ten-week read this week, reading a chapter each week, coming together on Sunday to discuss. God truly is sovereign, and that fact is so relevant, and is to make such a difference in our day-to-day lives here in this contemporary world. What better discussion might we have as a family? Leahy's book will serve us well as a great guide. For more information, click here.
October 20, 2006
Never Did THAT

I had charge of our church's prayer meeting this week. While this probably never happens to you, each time I tried to prepare, something came up. So I did something I've never done before. I grabbed two dozen copies of J.C. Ryle's short booklet, "A Call to Prayer" from our packing room and headed out the door (this job does have its advantages but, for the record, they were charged to my account). I knew Ryle's message on prayer would far surpass my own thoughts, at that point in time. I was already familiar with the booklet, so I quickly chose sections to read since time wouldn't permit reading the whole thing. And that's what I did. Everyone had a copy. We sang "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus." Then I began to read. And more people were pricked in their heart by that message than I was expecting, including me!
Throughout the booklet, multiple times, Ryle asks the question, "Do you pray?" "Do you pray?" "Do you pray?" not speaking of public or those before-the-meal prayers, but private, when-you're-alone prayer. He says:
(1) Prayer is absolutely needful to a man's salvation.
(2) A habit of prayer is one of the surest marks of a true Christian.
(3) There is no duty in religion so neglected as private prayer.
(4) Diligence in prayer is the secret of eminent holiness.
(5) Neglect of prayer is one great cause of backsliding.
(6) Prayer is one of the best means of happiness and contentment.
Ryle ends with this: "I offer these points for your private consideration. I do it in all humility. I know no one who needs to be reminded of them more than I do myself. But I believe them to be God's own truth, and I desire myself and all I love to feel them more. I want the times we live in to be praying times. I want the Christians of our day to be praying Christians. I want the church to be a praying church. My heart's desire and prayer in sending forth this tract is to promote a spirit of prayerfulness. I want those who never prayed yet to arise and call upon God, and I want those who do pray to see that they are not praying amiss."
So would you permit me to ask you Ryle's question? "Do you pray?"
Have a great weekend. I hope to have my "first take" on our new arrival, "The Hand of God," come next week, plus possibly some pictures from behind the scenes at Banner. I hope you'll stop back.
Grace & Peace!
October 18, 2006
Another New Book!
New titles arrive in waves here (the U.S. office & warehouse of Banner of Truth), so you can probably expect some other posts like this in the next few weeks. Tomorrow, it's another jeans day as I'll be in the warehouse helping unload another new arrival, "The Hand of God: The Comfort of Having a Sovereign God," a 224-page paperback by Frederick Leahy, hot off the press. Stop back tomorrow ... with book in hand, I'll try to give you more details and perhaps include a picture or two.
ADDENDUM, October 19, 2006: It's here! Give me a day or so to read and internalize it, and I'll soon post my "First Take."
Grace & peace!
ADDENDUM, October 19, 2006: It's here! Give me a day or so to read and internalize it, and I'll soon post my "First Take."
Grace & peace!
October 16, 2006
Ever tried calling Banner of Truth's U.S. office early in the morning and gotten the recorded greeting? Ever wondered why? It's because we start each day, before activating the phones, by reading two pages of a "Banner book," followed by prayer. It's amazing how many books you can complete by just reading two pages a day, and this has been a Banner tradition that Jim Eshelman started some 40 years ago! Last week, we finished "Charity and Its Fruits," by Jonathan Edwards; this morning, we started a new Banner booklet, "Can We Know God?" by Maurice Roberts. I'm not sure that many people know about these booklets. Too bad, actually. There are some 38 booklets in print covering such topics as evangelism, prayer, holiness, worship, obedience, grief, discouragement, discipline, and more. If interested in a list, let me know. I may review some in upcoming posts, plus share some of my favorite books. Stay tuned.
Grace and peace!
Oh, by the way, my youngest daughter came in 19th out of 94 cross country runners on Friday. Go Alyssa! :-)
Grace and peace!
Oh, by the way, my youngest daughter came in 19th out of 94 cross country runners on Friday. Go Alyssa! :-)
October 13, 2006
First Take: "Sermons on the Beatitudes"

Have a great weekend; my two daughters are in a cross-country race in about 45 minutes so I best be on my way.
Grace & Peace -
The Five Sermon Titles:
(1) Called and Chosen ... Mark 3:13-19; Luke 6:12-19
(2) The Broken Blessed ... Matthew 5:1-4; Luke 6:20-21
(3) Meekness and Mercy ... Matthew 5:5-7; Luke 6:20-21a
(4) The Price of Peace ... Matthew 5:8-10; Luke 6:22-23
(5) The Rejected Recompensed ... Matthew 5:11-12; Luke 6:22-26
Calvin's "Prayer Before The Sermon":
"Let us call upon our good God and Father, beseeching him, since all fullness of wisdom and light is found in him, mercifully to enlighten us by his Holy Spirit in the true understanding of his Word, and to give us grace to receive it in true fear and humility. May we be taught by his Word to place our trust only in him and to serve and honour him as we ought, so that we may glorify his holy name in all our living and edify our neighbour by our good example, rendering to God the love and the obedience which faithful servants owe their masters, and children their parents, since it has pleased him graciously to receive us among the number of his servants and children." Amen.
"Let us call upon our good God and Father, beseeching him, since all fullness of wisdom and light is found in him, mercifully to enlighten us by his Holy Spirit in the true understanding of his Word, and to give us grace to receive it in true fear and humility. May we be taught by his Word to place our trust only in him and to serve and honour him as we ought, so that we may glorify his holy name in all our living and edify our neighbour by our good example, rendering to God the love and the obedience which faithful servants owe their masters, and children their parents, since it has pleased him graciously to receive us among the number of his servants and children." Amen.
October 11, 2006
Hot Off The Press
My wife and I have three children, all girls, and for my wife's sake I hesitate to compare anything to the process of giving birth (hey, we guys endured a type of trauma, but admittedly and significantly different!).
But there is an air of excitement whenever our warehouse manager at Banner of Truth U.S.A. gets a confirmation call that another new title is on its way. This Friday, John Calvin's "Sermons on the Beatitudes" will arrive. YES! We've been waiting for this one. Calvin completed this exposition of Matthew 5:1-12; Mark 3:13-19 and Luke 6:12-26 back in 1559, apparently just three months before his death; this will be the first English translation! We've already received a number of backorders, but don't worry. We'll get them shipped as fast as we can!
I'm glad you visited. Any questions, leave a comment or email me.
Grace & Peace!
But there is an air of excitement whenever our warehouse manager at Banner of Truth U.S.A. gets a confirmation call that another new title is on its way. This Friday, John Calvin's "Sermons on the Beatitudes" will arrive. YES! We've been waiting for this one. Calvin completed this exposition of Matthew 5:1-12; Mark 3:13-19 and Luke 6:12-26 back in 1559, apparently just three months before his death; this will be the first English translation! We've already received a number of backorders, but don't worry. We'll get them shipped as fast as we can!
I'm glad you visited. Any questions, leave a comment or email me.
Grace & Peace!
October 7, 2006
The beginning ...
It is an E-world, isn't it? From E-mail to E-shopping and E-cards, even E-dating and now E-publishing through E-books requiring E-readers. As I meet an increasing number of people from across the country, it seems prudent that I join the E-world and establish a site where we might stay connected and perhaps encourage one another and spur one another on to good deeds, ultimately furthering each other's walk and depth with regard to the knowledge and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
It is that mission and purpose that excites me so about working with Banner of Truth. From its very beginning nearly 50 years ago, Banner was organised so that "financial considerations would not determine the publications program." But instead, "it was aimed to publish what we believed honoured God and what people needed rather than what they might initially want" (Iain Murray). That is so true, to this very day ... publishing what we believe honors God and what people need rather than what they might initially want.
As I sit at my desk on the second floor of Banner's U.S. office in Carlisle, PA, just behind me, on the other side of the wall, there exists an entire warehouse of books ... not necessarily books that the vast majority of today's church wants, but books that the saints need and would desperately benefit from reading. I am ever challenged by the depth and intimacy with one's God that I see reflected in the prayers of The Valley of Vision, the writings of men like Owen and Manton and Baxter, the published biographies of people like Elizabeth Prentiss, Susannah Spurgeon, David Brainerd, Ernest Reisinger and more.
In the coming days, I hope we can spend some time together, becoming better acquainted, and also discussing some of what's on the other side of my office wall ... not just to talk about books for books sake, but specifically how God has used them, and continues to do so, to strengthen faith and deepen one's walk with Him. Thanks for stopping by. Leave a comment, if you don't mind, so that we might become better acquainted.
Grace and Peace,
It is that mission and purpose that excites me so about working with Banner of Truth. From its very beginning nearly 50 years ago, Banner was organised so that "financial considerations would not determine the publications program." But instead, "it was aimed to publish what we believed honoured God and what people needed rather than what they might initially want" (Iain Murray). That is so true, to this very day ... publishing what we believe honors God and what people need rather than what they might initially want.
As I sit at my desk on the second floor of Banner's U.S. office in Carlisle, PA, just behind me, on the other side of the wall, there exists an entire warehouse of books ... not necessarily books that the vast majority of today's church wants, but books that the saints need and would desperately benefit from reading. I am ever challenged by the depth and intimacy with one's God that I see reflected in the prayers of The Valley of Vision, the writings of men like Owen and Manton and Baxter, the published biographies of people like Elizabeth Prentiss, Susannah Spurgeon, David Brainerd, Ernest Reisinger and more.
In the coming days, I hope we can spend some time together, becoming better acquainted, and also discussing some of what's on the other side of my office wall ... not just to talk about books for books sake, but specifically how God has used them, and continues to do so, to strengthen faith and deepen one's walk with Him. Thanks for stopping by. Leave a comment, if you don't mind, so that we might become better acquainted.
Grace and Peace,
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