This may be something I'm going to regret, but Walter Chantry and his incredible wife will be here at the North American office of The Banner of Truth tomorrow (Friday), Sept. 14th, for lunch with our staff. I don't get to see or visit with Walt very often; mostly it's been some time during the annual Banner of Truth Ministers' Conference. But given his impending visit, I thought I would offer - without his pre-authorized permission, I have to add - his signing of his most recent new release from Banner, "David: Man of Prayer, Man of War." If we receive your order, with a specific request for it to be signed, before we eat lunch or before he has to leave, I will get it done for you, and even give a 20% discount! Phone orders only for this one. List price: $18.00; Get this signed copy for $14.40 (free shipping on orders of $25+ within the continental U.S.).
And while we're at it, how about, instead of our Fabulous Friday Damaged Book List, we institute a 24-Hour Walter Chantry Book Promotion. Below is the list - any Walter Chantry Banner book, other than "David: Man of Prayer, Man of War," 35% off from now through tomorrow, Friday 9/14, at 4:00 Eastern time when our office closes. Call us today or tomorrow: 1-800-263-8085. Just remember, the signed copy of "David: Man of Prayer, Man of War" won't be available after lunchtime tomorrow. Spread the word quickly!
Call the Sabbath a Delight - List: $7.50 --- 24-hour 35% off special: $4.88
God's Righteous Kingdom - List: $8.00 --- 24-hour 35% off special: $5.20
High Calling of Motherhood - List: $0.85 --- 24-hour 35% off special: $0.55
Praises for the King of Kings - List: $8.00 --- 24-hour 35% off special: $5.20
Shadow of the Cross - List $5.00 --- 24-hour 35% off special: $3.25
Signs of the Apostles - List: $9.00 --- 24-hour 35% off special: $5.85
Today's Gospel - List: $7.00 --- 24-hour 35% off special: $4.55
Please note: Some quantities are limited.
ADDENDUM, Friday Sept. 14th, 1:30 p.m. - The Banner staff in Carlisle just finished a great lunch here in my office with Walt Chantry and his wife, Joie ... a combination of eating and signing books! A great way to end the week.
Wow! I own one half of a signed copy. (That's right - one half.) So your readers can trump me on this.
Ha! "One half of a signed copy"? Does that mean he just signed it "Dad"? Good to hear from you, Tom. Maybe you should buy another one???
Oh, no, it was properly signed - it's just that I only own half of it! When he was endorsing copies to family members, he signed one for my wife and me. He then realized that I was going to take it off to my office and she would never see it again, so he signed another one with her name only. I was promptly told that while I only own half a signed copy, she owns one and a half!
For the record ... this terrible injustice has been resolved!
In a few days ... you'll understand.
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