September 5, 2007

ON THE ROAD: Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, KY

No, unfortunately I don't expect to spend any time with Dr. Mohler, but I will be on the campus of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY this Thursday and Friday, September 6 & 7. I arrive at the Louisville airport Thursday at 12:32 p.m. and will spend that day with several of you, actually - Bradley, and Will, and Dustin, and Terry, and Steve, and maybe Dave, and ..... I plan to duly deputize each of you as official Banner of Truth SBTS links, or something like that. At some point in time, I'll be stopping in to the Book Nook, another place in Louisville where you can find Banner of Truth books. And then Friday afternoon, I'll be at the seminary campus bookstore. I'm looking forward to finally meeting Tim and others there, plus seeing Stuart again, and having some good discussion on an upcoming Banner of Truth special promotion there at the seminary! Stay tuned for details - actually, if you're a student, just keep getting your mail!
So if you happen to be in the Louisville area, perhaps we can connect this week. Grace & peace. Steve.

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