August 15, 2007

Could You Help?

I recently received the following email - How would YOU respond? What lists would you suggest?
Dear BOT
I have read from your resources for well over 10 years and am blessed by your devotion to keeping alive treasures from Christians who have been inspired by our Lord to write wonderful commentaries on scripture, faith, and living in Him.
Our son is 13 and is an avid reader.
I was wondering if you would give some sincere, studied thought to 10 books that you feel are by far the best 10 books (for a teenager) in your library of 100's.
Our son reads at a high school level, sometimes 800 pages in a day (if he isn't playing hockey or tennis) so, he is definitely a mature reader.
Second, if I may ask, could you list 10 books that are the top ten for an adult.
I know this is a bit of a big request, so, please, please take your time.
Many, many Blessings.
So what do you think? What would be your (10) Banner "must read" books for a high school student, and then what would be your (10) Banner "must read" books for an adult ... and would these lists be the same, or different?
Anxiously awaiting your responses! :-)


Anonymous said...


I've only listed a few, and these are not in any particular order once you hit the biographies (as several are listed, and one may appeal more strongly than another to a young man).

1.) I think Watson's Body of Divinity is a great place to start with the Purians. Very readable and gives a solid theological education.
2.) I would add to that Watson's Godly Man's Picture, as this would be quite appropriate for a teenage young man.
3.) Murray's 2 Volume biographical set on Martyn Lloyd-Jones is just too good not to recommend to anyone.
4.) Murray's bio of Jonathan Edwards is a must-read
5.) The Autobiography of Spurgeon should be read also.
6.) Any number of titles from Jonathan Edwards himself, beginning with Religious Affections
7.) The Bruised Reed by Richard Sibbes will cultivate a heart of tender compassion and gratitude to God.

dustinbenge said...


This requires some serious thought. However, I have come up with 10 "Must Read" Banner books for Teens. It will take a bit more time for the adult list.

1. The Christian Life by Sinclair Ferguson (will introduce anyone to the Christian life, salvation and growth in Christ).
2. A Summary of Christian Doctrines by Louis Berkhof (introduction to a Christian belief system).
3. The Christian in Complete Armour by William Gurnall (will help in arming oneself in the Christian battle.)
4. The Mortification of Sin by John Owen (from the Puritan paperback series, easy to read)
5. Discovering God's Will by Sinclair Ferguson (an aid in the finding and living in God's will, wonderful for teens.)
6. Johnathan Edwards by Iain Murray (every teen needs to be introduced to Edwards thought, life and preaching.)
7. The Day God Made by Glen Knecht (necessary to have a proper view of the Lord's Day.)
8. The Forgotten Spurgeon by Iain Murray (a bit deep for teens but necessary as an introduction to the life of the great Charles Spurgeon.)
9. The Sovereignty of God by A.W. Pink (for a good reformed and biblical perspective.)
10. Today's Gospel by Walter Chantry (will help a teen to stay away from "modern-day" pop-culture Christianity.)

I pray this helps. Again it will take a few days to think of a list for Adults.

Dustin Benge

Anonymous said...

Someone already mentioned the biography of Martyn Lloyd-Jones, so I can only heartily second that one. Beyond that, Dallimore's biography of George Whitefield stands out as a must read.

Anonymous said...

Definitely The Bruised Reed by Richard Sibbes

David said...

Off the BOT books that I think are of greatest impact on me. My number one on the list is the number one book period in my way of thinking, but the others are listed as the came to mind and in no particular order.

1) Volume 6 of The Works of John Owen--The Fight against sin is a sure and necessary war all Christian's must engage in.
2) Sinclair Ferguson's John Owen on the Christian Life
3)Watson's Body of Divinity
4) Thomas Vincent's Westminster Shorter Catechism both 3 and 4 give a strong emphasis on the full body of doctrine.
5)Precious Remedies Against Satan's Devices
6)Flavel's Mystery of Providence
7)Iain Murray's Jonathan Edwards
8)Iain Murray's Forgotten Spurgeon this is a book that notes the necessity of Doctrinal Clarity and the dangers of drifting from it.
9)Vos's Biblical Theology
10)Dallimore's 2volume set on Whitefield


Anonymous said...

Here are my top ten
1. Memoirs and Remains of R.M.M'Cheyne by Andrew Bonar
2. George Whitfield by Arnold Dallimore Vol. 1&2
3. C.H. Spurgeon Autobiogragpy/ The Eary Years. and Full Harvest
4.Pilgrims Progress by John Bunyan
5.The Great Awakening by Joseph Tracy
6. Charity and its Fruit by Jonathan Edwards
7.The Letters of Samuel Rutherford
8. The Attraction of the Cross by Gardnier Spring
9.Psalm 119 by Charles Bridges
10. The Letters of John Newton.

Steve Burlew said...

This is great! Thanks, guys. Any others?

Treva Copeland said...

I haven't read enough of BoT books to be able cull a top ten list, however, some that have been particularily helpful and stimulating are:

Owen's "Mortification of Sin", and

Jeremiah Burrough's "Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment"

and the bigraphies,
Murray on Spurgeon
Dallimore on Whitefield

What I love about biographies is that they are applied christianity. They provide great models of men submitted to God in a way that motivates me.


CPCC Pastor said...

Banner offers some of the most profitable books in print, by authors both living and past, including the following (all suitable for a teen reader):

Human Nature in its Fourfold State, by BOSTON
Discovering God's Will [and others] by FERGUSON
The Godly Man's Picture, by WATSON
Body of Divinity, by WATSON
Old Paths [and others] by JC RYLE
Momentus Event, WJ GRIER
Revival & Revivalism, by IAIN H MURRAY
Sketches from Church History, by HOUGHTON
Knowing the Times by LLOYD-JONES
God's Righteous Kingdom, by CHANTRY

Note: finding the best AUTHORS is a fine pursuit too! I whole-hearted commend the above to your readers.

Pastor Dave Bissett (father of 7)

Nicholas T. Batzig said...


I concur with Dave's list. Human Nature is a must read. So is everything by Sinclair Ferguson and Thomas Watson.

Does this kid really read 800 pages a day. That's not high school level--its D.A. Carson level reading.