February 14, 2008

Another Addition to the Banner Booklet Series

There are many things that I really appreciate about The Banner of Truth - certainly it's booklet series is one of them, although it might be less well known than other series (i.e. Puritan Paperbacks, etc.). Because of that, I've listed below all of the booklets currently in the series. Joining Iain Murray's, "The Cross: The Pulpit of God's Love," and Spurgeon's, "A Defence of Calvinism," is this third most recent addition. Check it out, and enjoy!
TITLE: Reading the Bible and Praying in Public
AUTHOR: Stuart Olyott
ISBN: 978-0-85151-9722
PAGE COUNT: 24 pages
DESCRIPTION: Bible reading and prayer are two elements in all evangelical church worship. At certain points in every service someone will read the Scriptures and lead the congregation in prayer. These regular acts of worship are so familiar that many probably take them for granted and do not think too seriously about them.
But what is the best way to read the Bible in public and what are the things we need to keep in mind if we are to lead others in public prayer? In Reading the Bible and Praying in Public, Stuart Olyott supplies us with wise practical advice on these vitally important acts of our corporate church worship.

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Stuart Olyott travels widely, helping and encouraging especially young and inexperienced pastors in the UK and Europe. Before his ‘semi-retirement’ at the end of 2007, he was Pastoral Director of the Evangelical Movement of Wales and lectured in preaching at the Evangelical Theological College of Wales, Bryntirion, Bridgend. He has also pastored churches in London, Liverpool, and Lausanne. The Trust has also published his Ministering Like The Master, and his translation of John Calvin's Truth For All Time.


THE BOOKLET SERIES, from The Banner of Truth:

A Call to Prayer, J.C. Ryle, $2.50
Authentic Gospel, Jeffrey Wilson, $2.00
Behind a Frowning Providence, $2.50
Bleeding of the Evangelical Church, Wells, $2.00
Burial or Cremation, Howard, $2.50
Can We Know God? Maurice Roberts, $2.00

Christians Grieve Too, Donald Howard, $2.50
Coming to Faith in Christ, John Benton, $1.50

Cross: The Pulpit of God’s Love; Iain Murray, $4.00
Cross (The): Vindication of God, Lloyd-Jones, $2.00
Defence of Calvinism (A); C.H. Spurgeon, $4.00
Evangelistic Calvinism, John Benton, $2.00
Free Offer of the Gospel, John Murray, $2.50
Five Points of Calvinism, Jack Seaton, $2.00
Healthy Christian Growth (Revised), Ferguson, $2.50

Her Husband’s Crown, Sara Leone, $3.00
High Calling of Motherhood, W. Chantry, $0.85
Holiness, Joel Beeke, $2.00
Incomparable Book, W. McDowell, $1.00
Invitation System, Iain Murray, $3.00
Jesus Christ and Him Crucified, Lloyd-Jones, $2.50

Kingdom of God, W. Tchividjian, $2.00
Life of Principled Obedience, A.N. Martin, $2.00
Living the Christian Life, A.N. Martin, $2.00
M’Cheyne Daily Bible Reading Calendar, $0.50
Moral Basis of Faith, Tom Wells, $1.50
Open Your Mouth for the Dumb (abortion), $1.50
Practical Implications of Calvinism, A.N Martin, $2.50
Preaching: The Centrality of Scripture, Mohler, $2.00
Priority of Preaching, John Cheeseman, $2.00
Psalter: The Only Hymnal? Iain Murray, $2.50
Read any Good Books? Sinclair Ferguson, $2.00
Reading the Bible, Geoffrey Thomas, $2.00

Reading the Bible & Praying in Public, Olyott, $3.00
Shorter Catechism (with Scripture Proofs), $1.00
Unresolved Controversy, Iain Murray, $2.50
Victory: The Work of the Spirit, P. Potgieter, $1.50

Westminster Larger Catechism, PB, $4.00
What is the Reformed Faith? J.R. deWitt, $2.50
What...Think: Carnal Christian? Reisinger, $2.00
What’s Wrong with Preaching Today? Martin, $2.00
Whom Shall I Marry? A. Swanson, $2.00
Worship, J.C. Ryle, $2.00

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