The "Puritan Reading Challenge" is GROWING!
It would seem that nearly several hundred people have now signed on for "The Puritan Reading Challenge" that Timmy Brister posted on his blog before the end of the year. As an update on his blog, he wrote, "After three days, over 100 people have signed on! I am super-excited. Also I have tallied 55 blogs plugging or blogging the challenge. Thanks to everyone who has helped get the word out! Perhaps we can see 200?!" That would be great! If you would like to accept the challenge and read a Puritan Paperback each month during 2008, CLICK HERE. He also posted a comment by Tim Keller whereby Tim wrote, "For what it’s worth, I read all but one of the books on this list during seminary and my early ministry, and they had an enormous, life-changing, ministry-shaping impact on me. A couple of them almost literally saved my life. I couldn’t recommend them more highly. I’d only add: a) Read Owen on Temptation as well as Mortification. It’s short and well worth the read. b) Consider adding Baxter’s Saints Everlasting Rest. Other than those, I’d agree that these are the best short, accessible Puritan works. A great list." Keep reading! Steve
I've jumped in as well. Better late than never. And I took advantage of the Puritan Paperback deal that Banner is running.
I know I snagged quite a stack of reading material during my last visit to the warehouse, but I like the idea of a concrete plan and the additional accountability and resources of reading with a big, blogging group.
So, this should be a nice way to keep my reading on track and make sure I'm reading at least one book a month. (Plus Puritan Paperbacks are a little easier to tote around for reading on the go or at lunch at work then a volume of the works of Owen). It definitely spurs me on to see so many others excited about growing in Christ by reading these works.
Steve, thanks as always for all Banner does to make resources easy for us to obtain, please pass on my encouragement and gratitude to everyone working with you out in Carlisle. Hope to make it out to see you guys again soon!
Thanks for the comment, and the encouragement, Steve. I'm glad you're reading, and don't let the lateness discourage you in any way. From your comment, it sounds as if you've visited us and we've met - I've met a number of "Steves;" any more information available?
Sorry for the lack of clarity. That would be Steve Prazenica, who recently visited you guys in Carlisle right before Christmas with his sister Natalie and her fiance Nick.
And by the way, you guys have officially out done yourselves. I think I ordered yesterday right before lunch and when I got home today there was a big envelope in the mailbox. I was shocked to say the least! Actually, after I ordered, I was almost lamenting that I had ordered "The Bruised Reed" online and not decided to pick it up at church on Sunday because I was expecting a couple days of shipping before I would be able to jump in on the challenge. Not so!
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